Sunday, 26 August 2007

Chicken Pie Token
Party Invitation

Homemade chicken* pie, with a dollop of creamy mash, a heap of freshly shelled peas glistening under a knob of melting butter, and a lashing of onion gravy is the perfect pukka posh nosh. Once the melt-in-the-mouth , golden, flakey coffin of a crust of this great, British contrivance is breached and the mystery of the succulent, voluptuous roast chicken, mushroom and peppery, parsley flecked bechamel filling revealed your mates will “LOVE IT” and won’t fail to polish it off.

*"Ladies and Gentlemen — I fear that what I am going to say will spoil your appetites; but the truth is beautiful at all times…”.
There is plenty of information out there to help you decide where to source your chicken from. The plight of Ginger, Edwina, Fowler, Rocky Rhodes, et al cooped up on the nefarious Tweedys' battery farm in Aardman Animation's film 'Chicken Run' didn't even come near to the dastardly intensive farming methods implemented for the mass rearing of chickens. As you are all probably aware these can be horribly cruel and the methods of slaughtering chickens in any number can be excessively distressing to the birds. The information is out there, take heed and be it on your head the choice you decide to make. Bottom line, are we that economically hard pressed that we can't budget for paying a little bit extra for more humanely farmed chickens?

Addendum: I finally posted an instructable on how to make this chicken pie: Home Sweet Homemade Chicken Pie



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